Hemant and Vaishali Panwar

Hemant and Vaishali are dancing duo who were trained at National Institute of Kathak Dance in Delhi, India under the tutelage of illustrious Guru Shri Rajendra Gangani of Jaipur Gharana where Hemant also learnt classical singing and Indian drum tabla. They have attempted to give a dynamic and innovative approach to their unparallel creativity by fusions with many traditional and international art forms and thus have elicited widespread interest in young learners, professional dancers and art lovers. Both were awarded a fellowship for two years by Ministry of Human resource and development for extensive research in Kathak. They were conferred a title "Singar mani" for the distinguished duet dancers of the year 2000.
They enthralled the audience with their intricate lightning footwork blended with rhythms of Spanish flamenco in Tivoli concert Hall in Copenhagen in 1998 to a sold out audience of 1600 attendees. Their dance performance at Mediterranean Music Festival organized by the European Forum of Worldwide Music at Porto Antico, Genova, Italy can well be cited as impeccably gripping one as they were invited to perform for three consecutive years in 1999, 2000, 2001.
Their performance in Breminale festival, Germany and Martigny festival- journes des 5 continents, Switzerland has benchmarked their calibre as duet.
Their long stay at Guanczhou grand world scenic park in China for almost nine months to interact with public of China by miraculous performances, creating choreographic expositions on Chinese children , conducting workshops are yet a thrilling experience of their life.
They have danced in many documentaries such as ‘The making of Mahatma’ for BBC, ‘The Indian monuments’ for discovery channel and ‘Jaipur Kathak’ for Doordarshan.