The Whirly Birds

The Whirly Birds rose from the ashes of several prominent Toronto rock bands. Former Small Sins guitarist, Steve Krecklo, suggested to ex-Diableros singer Pete Carmichael that they record some of his new songs in 2011. Krecklo and Carmichael quickly assembled a band of some of the best players in the Toronto rock scene. With The Diableros' Mike Duffield on drums, James Robertson from The Golden Dogs on guitar, Jay Lemak from Action Makes on organ and Krecklo taking up the bass, the familiar faces gave each other the nod and started playing local landmarks like The Horseshoe Tavern, The Cameron House and The Garrison before heading into The Canterbury Music Company to work on their debut album. The Whirly Birds combine brooding classic rock song structures with their own hi-fi production style and psychedelic lyricism.